Monday, 12 May 2008

Uni Cal Questionnaires [Market Research] - Results

Uni Cal Questionnaire Results
Uni Cal have received approximatley 28 questionnaires back regarding the market research. Several questionnaire's were posted out to students studying at Coventry University. Having gathered most of the questionnaires the results suggest that the students found the collage work to be the most effective in general.
When asked would they be willing to pay £2.00, 90% of the students relied yes. When asked what visual imagery would they prefer most of the students suggested that they would like to see a photographic based calender. 
One of the questions asked was would student like to see a university related calender or other themes included from outside university. Many of the students suggested that they would like to see a university themed calender.  
Three designs that have already been developed for the university calendar were shown to the students. Most of the students choose the collage design. The research suggests that students would prefer the photographic collage work taken around campus, as this is the most popular design, more development work based on the work chosen by the students will be created centered around these results.

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